HomeMFT 2003  Tutorial


Summary of results of 21 classes from the 2004 Celebration are presented below:

Grand averages for 21 classes – 2004 Celebration Open Classes


Placed an 8,9,10     Placed a 1,2,3    Was the only one  

as 1, 2, or 3        as 8, 9, or 10    to place a            

 particular horse


   c         0.00              0.16               0.32

   s         0.33              0.33               0.42

   m         0.28              0.33               0.39

   e         0.10              0.19               0.24

   x         0.24              0.06               0.29

   w         0.22              0.11               0.22


 Average theta:0.38


            Distance  Variance  classes


   Judge-c:   2.4       1.1       19

   Judge-s:   5.7      15.2       12

   Judge-m:   4.2      17.6       18

   Judge-e:   3.8       7.3       21

   Judge-x:   3.8       9.6       17

   Judge-w:   3.6       8.8       18

        Average           3.9


The above results are comparable to the performance of the 2003 Celebration judges. The summary of 15 open classes from

the 2003 Celebration resulted in a theta estimate of 0.42 compared to 0.38 above. The average distance for the 2004 judges

was 3.9 while the 2003 judges averaged 4.5. Both measures for 2003 are somewhat larger than the 2004 values indicating

the 2004 judges performed somewhat better. What helped the average distance for the 2004 judges is the very small value

(2.4) for judge c. Judge c did very well in agreeing with the choices of his peers while judges s & m had problems in many

classes as is evidenced by their large average distances (5.7 & 4.2, respectively).  Their large variances indicate that they

were erratic relative to their peers agreeing on some classes and agreeing on almost nothing in other classes. Note that these

two judges placed horses their peers placed 8, 9, or 10 as one of their 1, 2, or 3 choices and placed horses their peers placed

as 1, 2, or 3 as their 8, 9, or 10 pick more frequently than did their peers. They also were the only one to place a particular

horse in a class more frequently as well. Either their judging criteria did not coincide with those of their peers or they were

not as capable of recognizing the more important characteristics in horses as they go by. These kinds of judge performances are

what makes using the Olympic judging system really worthwhile. 


The most interesting class included in the 2004 summary was the WGC Four Year Old class, Class 143, which is given below:


Class 143 - WGC 2004 - 4 year olds                                                        


     Rankings are:              Orderings based on all 5 judges:


    w    s    e    m    c             w    s    e    m    c

   475  475  475  475  475            1    1    1    1    1

   182  182  182  182  962            2    2    2    2    3

   962  535  962  526  182            3    5    3    4    2

   535  962  973  962  526            5    3    7    3    4

   526  526  526  535  535            4    4    4    5    5

   617  617  617  973  617            6    6    6    7    6

   973  600  247  617  973            7    8    9    6    7

   600  247  535  600  247            8    9    5    8    9

   247  973  600  247  600            9    7    8    9    8

   442  442  442  442  442           10   10   10   10   10


          Orderings from deleting one judge at a time:


                    w      s      e      m      c

                    1      1      1      1      1

                    2      2      2      2      3

                    3      5      3      4      2

                    5      3      7      3      4

                    4      4      5      5      5

                    6      7      6      7      6

                    7      9      9      6      7

                    9      8      4      9      9

                    8      6      8      8      8

                   10     10     10     10     10


      Distance    0.0    2.0    0.0    1.0    1.4     0.88


Theta hat for class: 0.17


The above results are extremely good and what we would really like to see more often but in fact

seldom do see. Not having seen this class it is impossible to know why the judges were so consistent

in judging it but the judges performance for this class is extremely impressive. The average distance for

this class is 0.88 and theta is only 0.17.


The class that caused the biggest challenge for the judges was Class 81 which is given below:


CLASS #81 -   Ladies 3 Yr Old Mares                                                      


     Rankings are:              Orderings based on all 5 judges:


    w    m    e    x    s             w    m    e    x    s

   111  198  585  184  585            1    5    2    4    2

   585  252  111  111  111            2    6    1    1    1

   287  557  636  975  184            7   12    8   10    4

   120  111  198  198  128           11    1    5    5   14

   184  277  277  277  152            4    3    3    3   15

   252   10    3  585  277            6   13    9    2    3

   277  120  252  108    3            3   11    6   16    9

   636  636  287  183  975            8    8    7   17   10

    63    3   10  287  287           18    9   13    7    7

    79  585  975    3  183           19    2   10    9   17


          Orderings from deleting one judge at a time:


                    w      m      e      x      s

                    1      6      2      6      2

                    2     10      1      1      1

                   13     19     14     15      6

                   16      1      5      5     19

                    5      4      4      3     18

                    6     16     12      2      4

                    4     11      6     19     12

                    9      8      7     17     10

                   19      9     15      8      8

                   18      2      9      9     15


  1-3 Distance    10.0   18.6   11.1   13.0    3.3    11.2


 Theta hat for class: 0.63


Judge m had the worst problems with this class having placed a horse that no other judge picked in their top 10 choices as his 3rd place horse and placed the horse that the consensus of his peers placed 2nd as his 10th place horse. Judges w, e, and s did a good job picking the 1st and 2nd place horses but the 3rd place picks for all the judges look like they came from a lottery drawing. The average distance for this class was 11.2 and theta is 0.63.  It would be of interest to know what made this class so difficult to judge.


The 2003 judges did a very poor job judging the WGC 5 Year Old and Older class, Class 132. The 2004 judges had problems agreeing how to place the comparable 2004 class which was Class 146 and is presented below:


 Class 146 - 2004 MFTHBA WGC - 5 Years and older                                           


       Rankings are:              Orderings based on all 5 judges:


    c    s    m    e    x             c    s    m    e    x

   571  419  658  658  419            4    2    1    1    2

   658  658  279  279  279            1    1    3    3    3

   419  279  571  411  411            2    3    4    5    5

   604  561  411  571  658            6    8    5    4    1

   605  411  419  419  571            7    5    2    2    4

   279  605  604  561  604            3    7    6    8    6

   411  571  227  604  605            5    4    9    6    7

   561  227  605  605  227            8    9    7    7    9

   227   57  561  227  561            9   10    8    9    8

    57  604  273  485   57           10    6   12   11   10


          Orderings from deleting one judge at a time:


                    c      s      m      e      x

                    5      4      1      1      3

                    1      1      3      3      2

                    3      2      4      5      5

                    7      8      5      4      1

                    8      5      2      2      4

                    2      7      8      8      6

                    4      3      9      7      7

                    6      9      6      6      9

                    9     10      7      9      8

                   10      6     12     12     10


      Distance    4.1    3.3    1.4    2.2    2.8     2.8



 Theta hat for class: 0.33


The above results indicate that the 2004 judges did a better job of agreeing on the placements for this class than was the case

for the comparable class, Class 132, in the 2003 Celebration. The value of theta was 0.33 and the average distance was 2.8 for

this class. However, at this level of competition, it does seem that the judges would be in closer agreement as to what constitutes

a breed champion. We can assume that the horses and riders in this class were performing consistently so the differences in the

judges’ preferences must be due to a lack of agreement as to what they regard as the most important traits in the MFT breed, i.e.

they don't all follow the breed standard, or some were just not able to recognize what they saw in front of them.  While they were

able to agree on the Four Year Old WGC, they had more diverse opinions about which were the best three horses in this class.


It is important to keep in mind that the 2003 results of the comparable class at the TWH Celebration had a value of theta of

0.16 and an average distance of 1.4. That is the kind of performance we should strive to get from MFTHBA judges.